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Asian Pharma Press publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences from the discovery of a drug up to clinical evaluation. It also publishes the abstract and current content of all the journals published throughout the world which related with pharmaceutical sciences. Topics covered are: Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics; Pharmaceutical chemistry including organic, medicinal and analytical chemistry; Pharmacognosy including herbal products standardization and Phytochemistry; Pharmacology; Allied sciences including drug regulatory affairs, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Pharmaceutical biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Education and Hospital Pharmacy.
Our mission and scope is to provide a strong platform for scientist that concentrates the scientific output of the pharmaceutical innovation and developments, this will make accessible to pharmacists to use in all aspects of their clinical, scientific and professional work.
'Asian Pharma Press' is online and print publication house established and monitored by the seven year old group 'Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology' and 'Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry'. In year 2009, these groups has started multidisciplinary publication house A & V Publication, which publishes the articles in the field of engineering and technology, nursing, management and social sciences and some micro level publication in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
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